Thursday, September 12, 2013

Library Cycle 2 - 9-11-2013 to 9-24-2013

LESSONS Cycle 2 Weeks 3-4
September 11-24, 2013

Grade 6    9:00-9:40
Lesson: OPAC / Using the Dewey Decimel System.
Competencies: Independently, locate and select literary non-fiction and informational texts
on grade level.
Essential questions: 1. What is an OPAC? 2. What is the Dewey Decimal System?

Grade 5 10:20-11:00

Lesson: OPAC / Using the Dewey Decimel System
Activity: Lesson on using Destiny Library card catalog (OPAC). DVD on Using the Dewey Decimal System.
Competencies: Independently, locate and select literary non-fiction and informational texts
on grade level.
CC.1.1.5.E  Read with accuracy and fluency.
Essential questions: 1. What is an OPAC? 2. What is the Dewey Decimal System?

Grade 4 11:00-11:40  
Lesson: Using the OPAC.
Activity: Powerpoint outline of Dewey decimal system.
Competencies: Independently, locate and select literary non-fiction and informational texts
on grade level.
Use literacy strategies to determine readability of a source.
Common Core Standards:  CC.1.1.4.E Read with accuracy and fluency.
Essential question: How are books organized in a library?

Grade 3   9:40-10:20
Lesson: Using the OPAC.
Activity: Demonstrate how to use Destiny On-Line library catalog to look for books in the library collection.
Competencies: Independently, select grade-level appropriate literature in a variety of genres.
Independently, locate and select literary non-fiction and informational texts
on grade level.

CC.1.2.3.L   Read and comprehend literary non-fiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
Essential questions:  How do I locate the books I want to read?

Grade 2  1:15-1:55  
Lesson: Overview of library arrangement. Types of books and how to use the OPAC.
Read: Marion Looks for Answers
Competencies: Independently, select grade-level appropriate literature in a variety of genres.
Common Core Standard: CC.1.3.2.K  Read and comprehend literature on grade level.
Essential questions: 1. What is a library? 2. How do I find books in a library?

Grade 1 12:35-1:15
Lesson: Selecting books from a library. Overview of how we select books. Browsing vs. using the OPAC.
Activity: Demonstate use of OPAC, allow students time to use OPAC and/or browse for books.
Read: Goldisocks and the Three Libearians.
Competencies: Independently, select grade-level appropriate literature in a variety of genres.
Common Core Standard: CC.1.3.1.K  Read and comprehend literature on grade level.
Essential questions: 1. What is a library? 2. What is a librarian?

Kindergarten: 1:55-2:35
Lesson: Continue library book care lessons.
Activity: Continue discussing how to care for library books. Emphasize that library books belong to the library and must be cared for so others can enjoy them. Explain need to return books promptly.
Read: Maybe a Bear Ate It!
Competencies: Demonstrate proper book handling skills.
Common Core Standard: CC.1.1.KA Utilize book handling skills.
Essential questions: 1. What is a library? 2. Why must I take care of my library books?

BOOK FAIR WILL RUN THROUGH DAY 3 of A week of Cycle 2. Instruction will be made up in B week.

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