- Cycle 12
11-24, 2015
6- Continue group research project.
Objective: Students will work as
teams to research a topic using various print and electronic resources and then
present their work in a PowerPoint presentation.
Library Information Concepts: Research
Process: Developing Research Topic and Questions.
Competencies: As part of grade-level-appropriate
research process:
Develop self-generated, focused research question.
Develop sub-questions about topic.
Use information to answer research questions and
further develop questions about topic and discover new information.
Core Standard: CC.1.4.V (6-8)
Grade 5 –
Mystery Writing Project. Collaborative writing inspired by images from the Mysteries of Harris Burdick.
Objective: Students
will be introduced to the elements of mysteries and expectations for their
collaborative writing project.
Library Information Concepts: Using
images to inspire writing.
Competencies: Working together to develop
a story. Using images to inspire thinking.
Common Core Standard: CC:
W.5.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and
organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Grade 4 –Continue
Tall Tales Unit. (Read Stormalong).
We will begin our look at Tall Tales and the unique elements of a Tall Tale
such as the extensive use of hyperbole.
Understand the elements of a Tall Tale.
Library Information
Concepts: Identifying Literary Elements.
Competencies: Students respond to works
of literature – with emphasis on comprehension and making connections among
Common Core Standard: CC.1.3.4.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level.
Grade 3- Continue
International Fairy Tales Unit
We will continue our look at Fairy Tales. As we look at well-known fairy tales
and similar fairy tales from around the world we will compare and contrast
these stories.
Objective: Understand the elements of a Fairy Tale.
Library Information Concepts: Identifying
Literary Elements.
Competencies: Students respond to works
of literature – with emphasis on comprehension and making connections among
Common Core Standard: CC.1.3.3.F, CC.1.3.3.G
Grade 2- Continue
Native American Literature Unit. We will explore various Native American
Read: Rough
Faced Girl.
Library information concepts: Identifying
Literary Elements.
Essential Questions: What do good listeners do? - How do active
listeners know what to believe in what they hear?
Competencies: Identify characters and
setting in story.
Describe key ideas from text read aloud
or presented orally or
in another media format.
Explain plot in story.
Common Core Standard: CC.1.3.G, CC.1.5.B
Grade 1 – A
look informational texts.
We will read various informational texts.
Skills: Development of Reading
Comprehension, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary
Objective: Understand
the relationship of illustration to text in a picture book.
Library Information Concepts: Identifying Text Features
Competencies: Identify text features
to locate key facts or information in text.
Common Core Standard: CC.1.2.E
Kindergarten – Skippyjon Jones: Snow What.
We will read the newest book in Judy Schachner’s Skippyjohn Jones Series.
Skills: Development
of Reading Comprehension, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary
Objective: Understand
the relationship of illustration to text in a picture book.
Library Information Concepts: Identifying author and illustrator
Competencies: Define roles of author and
Common Core Standard: CC.1.3.D
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